This is just a short post to get the blog up and running. I hope to fill the blog with all the happenings, training and other goings on on my bid to train for the 40th Berlin Marathon on September 29th 2013.

Today Wednesday 1st May, see's it being one week till the Troon 10k Road Race, which takes place on Wednesday 8th May.
This race is a significant point in my marathon training, it will give me a bench mark with which  to structurer my training as well as an idea of what type of time I would capable of complete a marathon in in my present state of fitness.

The marathon is more than just a long run, it is 26.2 miles of determination, but a marathon does not start on the start line, it starts weeks before the actual event with miles and miles and miles and miles...well you get the idea; of training runs, mental preperation, sore muscles, plates and plates of food, gallons and gallons of liquid, plenty of good quality sleep and motivation by the truck load, just to get to the start line.

I hope that over the coming days, weeks and months you will enjoy following me through my miles & miles of runs, my gallons of liquid, mountains of food, sore muscles, ups & downs and trials & tribulations of everyday life as well as set backs throughout my training as I hope to take you on a journey, a journey in the life of a person training for one of the toughest races you can compete in.

yes there are longer runs, yes there are tougher courses, In longer races; ultra-runs; most people know and accept they may walk at some point, in tougher courses people expect the obsticals etc and are prepared to climb or walk through/round/over them etc, but the marathon is a race in which everyone wants to run from start to finish as fast as they can.

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    My name is Stewart and I am running the 40th Berlin Marathon 0n 28th September 2013.
    This is my Blog all about my training.


    May 2013

